So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13)
Sometimes we attribute the Ephesians 4 spiritual gifts, also called ministry gifts, only to leaders in the church. But we all have influence somewhere. Everyone is leading someone, or could lead someone.
What role comes natural to you?
Ministry Gifts
Are you a dreamer?
You dream big goals that take a team to accomplish. You are an innovator and entrepreneur. You peer over the wall of the status quo and notice possibility. You are not afraid to go ahead alone.
Example: Paul
Do you see problems and sense God’s heart for the person or situation?
You instinctively know how to bring restoration to a sinful situation, and connect people to the heart and will of God. Your heart breaks when you see Christians living powerless lives. It frustrates you that they don’t seek God for more victory in daily life.
Example: Pick any of the Old Testament prophets. New Testament-Judas and Silas (Acts 15:32)
Do you have a story to tell with words or actions to introduce people outside the church to Christ? You dream of seeing people who don’t know God experience His love for the first time. Your heart ignites with compassion for the person who once had a relationship with God. You seek for and pray for opportunities to demonstrate the love of God to others outside your community. You do so with or without words.
Example: Philip (Acts 8:26-40)
Do you wrap your arm around people and support them on their path with God?
You build enduring relationships. You celebrate victories and endure with others through pain. You protect others from danger and deflate when they chose the wrong way. You train, correct or teach responding to the spiritual climate of the persons you walk through life with.
Example: Peter (John 21:14-16)
Are you a lifelong learner?
Your devour books. You dissect the word of God for sport. Eccentric topics entice you. Friends say you have a knack for simplifying confusing concepts.
Example: Priscilla (Acts 18:26)
Combine your ministry gift with your motivational gift and manifestation gifts and you glimpse your spiritual DNA.
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