Motivational Gift Test

1 - I can be frustrated by others inability to see the practical work that needs to be done.

2 - Deep loyal relationships are vital to me.

3 - I enjoy helping and witnessing others mature spiritually.

4 - I use more practical experiences than scripture to explain a spiritual truth.

5 - I find joy in completing small projects that accomplish a bigger goal.

6 - I have a tendency to be hard on myself.

7 - I see things as right or wrong and black or white.

8 - I tend to oversimplify solutions to problems.

9 - I enjoy giving gifts anonymously.

10 - I can get lost in books and studying something I am interested in.

11 - I can separate a large project into small achievable goals for others to participate in.

12 - I desire to meet financial needs that others have overlooked.

13 - I avoid confrontation. I give others lots of room to grow.

14 - I have a strong desire to speak out against injustice.

15 - I have no problem delegating to reach a goal. Delegating is not a dirty word.

16 - I enjoy cheerleading others into spiritual maturity.

17 - I enjoy giving large high value gifts to further the gospel.

18 - I tend to be frugal in my spending at home, aiming to use my resources wisely for good causes.

19 - People often tell me I am good at explaining things.

20 - I enjoy facts, details, and lots of supporting evidence.

21 - I can quickly spot a practical need in the room and find joy in meeting it.

22 - I sense others emotional pain and find it easy to empathize with them.

23 - I can often sense the spiritual maturity of a person. And I may sense what hinders them from further maturity.

24 - I recognise talents in others and instinctively know how they can best serve on a team.

25 - I use more scripture references than practical experiences to explain a truth.

26 - Encouraging others to give appeals to me. I may consider matching funds.

27 - I'm usually one of the first to start cleaning up after a party.

28 - I easily assume the lead role. I see the end goal and know how we can best accomplish it.

29 - I tend to trust my own intellect over spiritual things.

30 - I can easily spot something wrong in a person or group.

31 - I enjoy community service projects.

32 - I respond to the suffering in others and have a strong desire to find a solution end it.

33 - I am decisive and unemotional in decision making.

34 - I express harsh reactions to sin. I can come across as judgmental.

35 - I am sensitive to the problems and pain of others.