“…I was the least qualified of any of the available Christians. God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities.”
-The Apostle Paul, Ephesians 3:7-8 (MSG)
Yep, the guy who wrote two thirds of the New Testament admitted he was the least qualified to do so. How many of us have uttered those same words? Do you sense God is calling you to something completely outrageous?
Me too. This nifty little blog is one of them.
In the early stages of coming to terms with what God was asking, I had a ton of questions and evidence to offer in the case of why God shouldn’t pick me for this job. I felt like a fraud for starters.
At the beginning my writing journey, I prayed for friends I thought were more talented and qualified to write and speak. It wasn’t clear yet that God was telling me to do it.
Paul’s Calling
Paul was called to do something never heard of in his time, something absurd in the minds of his contemporaries. Ephesians 3:6-7 tells us his calling was to unveil to the Gentiles they too can have a full share of what the Jewish nation has in Christ. There are no more dividing lines of who is in and who is out. Everyone is included now.
He confesses to poor prior qualifications and admits the preaching and writing he churns out are about topics over his head.
Paul, however, chose not to live in the place of insecurity and inadequacy. His letter to the Ephesians invites us to do the same.
Ephesians 3:7-13 outlines the confident response we can have when God calls us to something beyond our qualifications.
7 Confidence Boosting Promises
Promise snippets taken from Ephesians 3:7-13 The Message version.
This is my life work.
Our calling will line up with dreams God has placed in our hearts. What were some of your dreams as a child? For example: Maybe you dreamed of joining the peace corp or becoming a missionary. Now, God is whispering to you to teach English to refugees stateside or sign up for a short term mission trip. Maybe it’s to donate money to an orphanage in Cambodia. Or deliver your donation in person. Your life work matches your dreams.
2. A real surprise, a gift.
So, you didn’t expect God to ask you to do the crazy thing He is asking. It’s scary, sure. But it could be lots of fun too, right? When we’re are unsure, we can ask others who are already doing what we think God may be requiring of us. Find the adventure.
3. God is handling all the details.
This promise releases the pressure. We can toss off all the “what ifs” manufacturing roadblocks to our obedience. He will provide all the resources we need for the call.
4. God equips me.
God transplanted His divine nature in us. It’s the PhD of our qualifications. What are your unique gifts in Christ? Compassion? Teaching? Giving? Our unique combination is perfect for the position. Discover your spiritual gifts here.
5. Planned all along by God.
Before we were born God had an adventure itinerary lined up for us. Our unique combination of qualifications are custom built for His purposes. We were cast, singled out and positioned for this moment in time. (Psalm 139:15-16; Jeremiah 1:5; Ephesians 1:11)
6. Executed in Christ.
This is a past-tense statement. God is already holding the completed project. Christ exists in the past, present, and future. Confusing? That makes my brain start to choke and smoke too.
Lets put it this way. He will never leave us alone in the process. During the fun, the scary and the “I cant do this” moments that will happen, He’s there. Bank on His faith to perform His plan. (2 Timothy 2:13)
7. Completed in His power.
Lets bring these promises back around full circle. Do you feel weak and unqualified? Embrace that place. God can and will do it.
He’s powerful. He’s detail oriented. And He loves to have partners in His projects.
A Challenge.
Dear Bold and Courageous Reader,
Let’s believe God for the outrageous things He calls us to do in our ordinary lives. Which one promise listed above can you confess over your own life today?
Please share it in the comments.
Thanks Tara for these promises as a reminder. I particularily needed to be reminded of how God will equip me, has the details down and it’s all completed, we just need to show up. Thanks for reminding me it’s not about me but Him working through me as I obey.
Hi Jill,
Thanks for visiting. I like that, “we just need to show up.” Sometimes I procrastinate because I’m afraid He wont keep His promise. The work is just to believe. When we believe, we show up and so does He. In fact, He’s waiting for us there. Whew! Pressure’s off.
Have a great week xo